Thursday, January 18, 2007


Top Ten Sex Questions of 2006

What are people really thinking about sex? When they can ask sex questions and get answers with anonymity, what do they really want to know?
Taking the sexual pulse of any society is near impossible. How can we distinguish media hype from actual experience when so few people talk openly and honestly about their sex lives, and even fewer people in power want to hear about it?
One small window for me into the world of the over 29 million of you who visit each month is when I look at the traffic in the sex question and answer section on this site, where people write in their questions, and many more read the questions and answers I publish. Looking over this years most popular topics, I was not surprised to find penis size questions take up two spots. But I was pleasantly surprised at the breadth of topics most people were interested. From anatomy to technique, and from safer sex to sexual pleasure, considered as a whole, these top ten questions give me plenty of hope for the state of sexual inquiries in 2007.
1. How do I find my PC Muscle?
2. Can you alter the taste of your vagina?
3. Does penis size matter?
4. Is oral sex risky?
5. What is average penis size?
6. Why does sex hurt?
7. Can men have multiple orgasms?
8. Where is my g spot?
9. What are toxic sex toys?
10. Is watching porn okay?
Got a sex question for 2007? Email me here and I’ll do my best to answer it or point you to someone who can.


Rachel said...

Hey - I pulled that other post cuz I decided I didn't like it. But to answer your question, I am a Toby Keith fan but I've never thought of what his bed skills are like! Ilike the sound of his voice and his personality and man, he's TALL.

Who would be on "the" list?? Ooo, that's a thought or two;)

Meow Meow said...

I liked the questions, some were informative.

Your posts have slowed down....are you experimenting or what?